The Internet Is Changing


Recently, there has been some major security changes on the Internet.

With Cyber crime at an all time high, the need for encryption and tough security hGoogle Rankingas become a requirement if you have a website, especially if you collect personal information.  Chances are you or someone you know has been a victim of a cyber crime.

So what is encryption? Put simply, encryption is the process of making information  unreadable. It is coded in such a way that the information doesn’t make any sense. In many cases the encrypted data is paired with an encryption key, which is a collection of unique algorithms designed to scramble the data and only the person that holds the key can open it. Then the data is passed on to the people or person who requires it.

So let’s review some of the major chances made this year.  First there was the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is one of Europe’s strongest data protection rules to protect the personal information of individuals. This came into force on May 25, 2018. You’ve probably noticed all of the emails from sites that you are associated with, as well as pop-ups regarding this. With this change, you need to have procedures in place in the event a breach occurs. The person whose information you are holding should be able to review your data protection policies and procedure, as well as see what information you are holding on them, know what their information is being used for and request to have it removed. Failure to comply can result in millions of dollars in fines.

Starting in July, Google Chrome will be enforcing secure websites, especially if you collect personal information on your website. Any site that’s not protected with encryption will show as “not secure.”  Which will look like this:

not secure



As a small business owner, not only do you need to work in your business, now you have to be really concerned about your website being a secure place for people to visit. So what does this mean for you?

1. You could lose your ranking on the Internet. Instead of your website showing up on the first page, your website may be moved to the bottom of the search or even worse, your website may not show up at all.

2. Visitors to your site may not visit once they see the message “not secure”

3. If your site allows logons, then your user will see this and may not logon and request that their information be removed.


So What Can You Do?

The first thing you want to do is get SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) which is a security protocol that utilizes both a public and private key that work together to establish an encrypted connection.  An SSL Certificate will tell your visitors that when they visit your website or create an account on your website there information is encrypted and you are concerned about their security while visiting. An SSL Cerificate can be purchased from your website hosting company such as GoDaddy. They run around a little over $100.00 per year. It is definitely worth the investment.

There is so much going on these days on the Internet, as an IT professional, I can barely keep up. I realize as a user, you may not know all the in’s and outs regarding cyber security and technology may be something that you use and when it goes bad, you call someone else to fix it. As a technology professional, I have made it my quest to keep you technically educated in a language that you can understand.  If you have questions or in need of technology training and/or support, please do not hesitate to reach out. You can visit my website and leave a message and I will get back to you.

Talk to you soon. Happy Computing!



GDPR Is Coming


If you are on Facebook or any of the other social media platforms. You’ve probably received GDPR notifications by now outlining this policy. So, what does GDPR mean? It is the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) – Policy and Compliance that goes in effect on May 25, 2018. This policy is the legal framework for how personal information of individuals is collected and processed within the European Union(EU). The European Union is comprised of 28 member countries that share political and economic relations. The purpose is to create a more harmonious social, political and economic climate among the nations of Western Europe.

Some of the major changes include:

The territorial scope has been widened. Now GDPR applies to all companies and organizations, regardless of location in the EU or outside of EU, that process personal data of individuals in the EU.

A company or organization in breach of the GDPR can pay a hefty fine ranging from 2% if company records are not in compliance with article 28 or as high as 4% of annual global turnover for more serious infringements.

When requesting consent for an individuals personal information the terms and conditions must be clearly stated and understandable.  It must be easy to consent, as well as withdraw consent.

“Right To Be Forgotten” refers to individuals having the right to have their data erased and cease the sharing of their data to third parties.

Privacy By Design has always been a requirement for many years, now it is a legal requirement with the GDPR. It simply means the protection of data must be incorporated and part of your business systems as opposed to an add on.

Individuals have the right to know how there personal information is being used, which includes actual personal data on file. This information must be electronically given at no cost if and when requested.

There are a few more major changes that will be going in effect on May 25, 2018. I recommend that you educate yourself as a business owner, which leads me to what you need to do now.

If your business collects personal information from customers via the Internet, then you want to ensure that you include data privacy and protection elements in your marketing.

Make sure you have policies, procedures, and systems in place for your staff. If you are not sure how to go about creating privacy policies and procedure, definitely engage someone that understands and can help you put it together.

The potential cost of not being in compliance definitely out ways the cost of being in compliance. This article is just a summary of some of the information As an IT Professional and a business owner it is important to educate myself so that I am able to support the businesses that I serve. For more information, you can visit the following sites.






Battery Draining On Your Phone?

Battery drainage I hope this post finds you doing well. A few months ago, I installed a new battery in my android. (I have the last of the do-it-yourself battery replacement phone.) I noticed a new app on my phone that I did install. I’m thinking it piggy backed off of an app that I wanted to install. Just like on a PC, sometimes when installing an app other apps install without your knowledge. It was some type of screen saver, which I definitely did not want. What I started to notice was that my battery life wasn’t lasting. In an hour or side, I was seeing red in my charge monitor app. I immediately went searching for it in my installed apps on my phone and uninstalled it. In monitoring my battery life, I noticed that my charge was lasting a whole lot longer.

Just like on a computer, apps installed on your phone can be a battery drainer. A good practice is to check the apps that are always running in the background and determine whether you need the app and remove it.  I found this website that gives you step by step with pictures that will walk you through removing apps from your Apple or android. It uses Messenger as an example ; the process is the same for any app.

Remember, every app running on your phone takes up resources and depletes your battery of energy. Take the time to learn your phone. Every app installed and configuration options can be found in the settings of the phone.  For Step by Step, you find hundreds of resources to support you or contact me for one on one support.


Talk to you soon.






Public Announce From The Federal Government

  1. IC3PressReleaseBanner3The FBI has issued a Public Service Announcement for the Increase in W-2 Phishing Campaigns.  

             Increase in W-2 Phishing Campaigns

Beginning in January 2017, IRS’s Online Fraud Detection & Prevention (OFDP), which monitors for suspected IRS-related phishing emails, observed an increase in reports of compromised or spoofed emails requesting W-2 information. Sometimes these requests were followed by or combined with a request for an unauthorized wire transfer.

The most popular method remains impersonating an executive, either through a compromised or spoofed email in order to obtain W-2 information from a Human Resource (HR) professional within the same organization.

Individual taxpayers may also be the targeted, but criminals have evolved their tactics to focus on mass data thefts.

This scam is just one of several new variations of IRS and tax-related phishing campaigns targeting W-2 information, indicating an increase in the interest of criminals in sensitive tax information.

Link to read more, including How to Report a Data Loss Related to W-2 Scam, How to Report a Data Loss to state tax Agencies, How to Report to IRS, Recommendations and Best Practices:

URGENT – Are You Paying Attention?

UrgentI ran across an article in The Washington Post regarding Net Neutrality. The first question that came up was, “what is net neutrality and what’s all the buzz about.”

In a nutshell, net neutrality rule was put into place to keep the Internet Free to use and to keep communication company’s and Internet service providers from dictating what we can access and/or who can access our information on the Internet. The current rule states that everyone should be getting the same Internet access.  This rule was put in place by the Obama administration. The Trump administration want to repeal it. The FCC meeting will be held on Thursday, December 14, 2017 to undo the 2015 rule that keeps Internet providers from slowing and/or blocking certain websites.

In reading an article written by  Geoffrey A. Fowler, Technology columnist for The Washington Post, He states the following:  ” If the FCC removes net neutrality regulations, surfing the Internet will be more like waiting in lines at the airport.”

I could just picture being in the airport waiting in line to go through the check points, then to board the plan, especially if you did not upgrade your ticket. Anybody that’s had to fly can definitely relate to what that looks and feels like.

Repealing the Net Neutrality rule would mean that Comcast, AT&T and Verizon could control what we have access to on the Internet and who has access to us. These companies could create fast and slow lanes on the Internet. To be in the fast lane there would be a fee. My son stated that we would be behind a “Pay Wall.”

This is not going to be good for anyone. The Internet serves as a place where we can speak freely and obtain information just for the asking. Businesses use the Internet to market their products and services. For small business, repealing the Net Neutrality rule could be devastating to your business.

I encourage you to do your research and learn what the Net Neutrality Rule is all about and then make your voice heard. You can go to







Speaking The Language


As an IT professional,  I talk to computer users all day everyday. Most of the time, I find myself translating because they are unable to speak the basic computer language. As a result, it usually takes more time to fix a problem with the computer because I have to translate the terminology into layman terms.  Some of the basic language used when an IT professionals needs to fix a problem on your computer are:

Let’s start desktopwith your desktop; when your computer boots up (boot up is all the background initialization that happens when you turn your computer on from a powered off state) , this is where all of the pictures of your programs are located. These pictures are called icons. Behind the icon is an executable that launches the program when you click on it


So the next time you talk to your Technical support person, and they ask you about your desktop and icon, you know what they are. Stay tuned for more technical terms to empower you.